Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Post Soviet Union Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Belarusia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Estonia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Kirgistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Latvia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Moldovia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Armenia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Astana Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kiev
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Europe The Austrian Economic Chamber Belgium chamber of commerce and industry Bulgarian chamber of commerce and industry Croatian Chamber of Economy Economic chamber of the Czech Republic The Central chamber of commerce of Finland Assembly of the chambers of commerce and industry of France Association of German Associations of industry and commerce Union of the Italian chambers of commerce and industry Slovak chamber of commerce and industry Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Yugoslav Chamber of Commerce Centro Estero Camere Commercio Piemontesi Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Asia Iran Chamber Of Commerce, Industries and Mines Israel Chamber Of Commerce Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry The General Chamber of the R.O.C.(Taiwan) The Union of chambers of commerce of Turkey Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (UAE) General Union of CCI and Agriculture for Arab Countries The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in America The Brazilian Chamber for International Trade Canadian Chamber of Commerce U.S. Chamber of Commerce