Republics of Austria Republics of Hungary and Serbia (Budapest) Republic of Azerbaijan United States of America, Canada and Mexico Kingdom of Belgium Republic of Belarus Republic of Bulgaria Kingdoms of Denmark and Norwey and the Republic of Iceland Federal Republic of Germany United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Irland Kingdom of Spain and the Principality of Andorra Arab Republic of Egypt and Syria Republic of Turkey, Republic of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkmenistan and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Republic of Lebanon and Iraq Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Finland State of Israel Republic of Cyprus Republic of Italy, Republic of San Marino and Republic of Malta and Representation Republic of India Republic of Lithuania Republic of Latvia Republic of Estonia Japan Republic of Poland Romania and to the Republic of Moldova Georgia's Interests Section of the of the Swiss Confederation's Embassy to the Russian Federation Republics of Greece and Croatia France Republic of Armenia Republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Ukraine Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrein, State of Qatar, Sultanate of Oman and United Arab Emirats Republic of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic Swiss Confederation and Principality of Liechtenstein Czech Republic Republics of Slovakia and Slovenia People`s Republic of China Kingdom of the Netherlands Holy See (Vatican) Permanent Representation of Georgia to International Organisations General Consulates